Past Grant Recipients

Jennifer’s Fund was established in 1997 to support the intellectual, artistic, and physical development of Vermont teenage women. Previous grant recipients include:

(2019) Governor’s Institutes of Vermont (Statewide) for scholarships for young women with financial need selected for the Institute on Current Issues and Youth Activism.

(2018) Vermont Youth Conservation Corps – VYCC (Statewide) for Women Trail Blazers that employs and trains young women—teaching personal responsibility, technical, and leadership skills—while fostering connections to the land and communities.

(2018) Vermont Works for Women, Inc (Chittenden Country) for the evidence-based, work-readiness Step in to Work Program that opens the door to financial stability for women with barriers to employment by providing confidence, skills, experience, and job placement to fair wage jobs.

(2016) Vermont Parent Representation Center, Inc (Burlington) for the Rapid Intervention Pre-Natal/Parenting Project to help teenage mothers in treatment for opioid dependency access early engagement, legal resources, and social services so they can safely parent their young children.

(2016) Vermont Horse-Assisted Therapy – VHAT (Washington and Lamoille Counties) for the participation of teen women in the summer equine studies program that provides mentoring, skill building, and a partnership with horses that creates kind, respectful, and powerful leaders.

(2014) Boys and Girls Club (Brattleboro) for the Smart Moves program which supports and educates teenage girls as they experience adolescence with discussions and activities focused on topics including career options, body image, and healthy relationships.

(2008) Rosie’s Girls (Rutland) for a first-ever summer camp program designed to build self-esteem, perseverance, and leadership through learning and applying basic skills in non-traditional roles.

(2007/2008) Girls Move Mountains (Lamoille County Area) for the Dirt Divas “Girlz Mountain Bike Camps” for programs in teambuilding, goal-setting, mountain bike skills clinics, trail rides, and reflection activities that address sexual harassment, body image, fining identity, and adjusting to new places.

(2007) Center for Health and Learning (Windham County) for the “Yo Girls” yoga-based program for girls during transitional years between middle and high school.

(2005) Girls on the Run of Vermont (Statewide) for programs that combined self-awareness and positive image exercises for girls with physical development through long-distance running.

(2004) Full Cycle (Lamoille Valley Area) for a week-long “Girlz Mountain Bike Camp” that provided girls with the opportunity to build physical and emotional strength as they conquered their fears.

(2002-2003) The Boys and Girls Club of Vergennes, City of Vergennes (Addison County) for a “SMART Girls” program that helped girls make positive decisions by focusing on life skills, nutrition and fitness, accessing health care, and role models

(2001) The Orange Center Community Association, Town of Orange (Washington County) for a “Girl’s Week” camp to restore a nature trail and to build leadership/teamwork skills and learn how to manage anger and take responsibility.

For more information:

The Jennifer Murphy Memorial Fund

Jennifer’s Fund has provided supplemental funding for projects supported by The Vermont Women’s Fund, a grantmaking organization that supports the advancement, self-sufficiency, and economic and social equality of Vermont women and girls. For more information about VWF, please contact:

The Vermont Women’s Fund
P.O. Box 30
Middlebury, VT 05753
(802) 388-3942